Monday, November 21, 2011

I have a very oily skin and i hv got whiteheads in the T region (i.e. nose and forehead).?

Every month at the time of my periods i get 2 pimples ( really hard ones). I dont touch them . but they leave a mark behind and now i have a lot of marks on my face. I am 17. Is there any way of reducing these problems and can anyone recommend the best facial or skin treatment for my skin type.??I have a very oily skin and i hv got whiteheads in the T region (i.e. nose and forehead).?
Try this simple remedy. Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the pimples like soap. The secret of keeping the skin clear is to keep it oil-free and clean. More such solutions at Check out for more useful info on whiteheads.I have a very oily skin and i hv got whiteheads in the T region (i.e. nose and forehead).?
You need to use a product containing Salicylic Acid (as long as your note allergic to aspirin) this will dry up and control excess oils in your skin without stripping it completely. As for the staining caused by the breakouts you've experienced you need a Melanin inhibitor which will control the melanin (the stuff that gives the skin color) production in those areas also you must use a full spectrum sun protection or else you are wasting your money. Advance Rejuvenating Concepts is a fantastic skin care line for all skin types and problems. Let me know if you need help finding it. Don't get discouraged this can be controlled.
I used to have the problem with the hard, large pimples that really hurt, and I had them ALL over my T zone- I went to the dermatologist and he prescribed me some pills (minocyline), and a morning cream and night cream (duac gel and differin gel) My skin cleared PERFECTLY.
Speak with a dermatologist about this problem, to see if there is a med to solve this problems. Especially before you get any more scars. Laser surgery is always an option to get rid of the scarring...
Go to a dermatologist when you have them. They will prescribe a med for ya. Do it before anymore scaring occurs.

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