Friday, August 20, 2010

How do i get rid of blackheads and whiteheads?

Wash your face morning%26amp;evening. Using a deep action cleanser, followed by a toner. and use pore strips once a week. Make sure you moisturize and use loose oil control powder that's micro-fine so it'll control the shine on your face. take note that healing doesn't happen overnight, Follow the easy steps and you'll give your acne its well-deserved kick in the butt.

Good Luck!How do i get rid of blackheads and whiteheads?
ok, what you need are these few things...

- vibrating/ pulsing toothbrush (1, not use after)

- your every day cleanser (of your choice)

preferably a cream/ boosting cleanser..

- moisterizing cream (preferably the same brand of cleanser)

- face cloth

start with warm water on the cloth, not hot just mid-warm, strain the cloth quickly so theres minimal water drippage... place face cloth over face and gently press over it... remove after a few seconds and imediately take your cleanser and apply where affective areas, (preferably all over to give it a even look)

then take your vibrating/ pulsing toothbrush (give it a rinse first) then turn on and with a gental circular motion, apply to face and affective areas... rinses are nessecary. for 2 minutes max only... after your tooth scrub, rinse face with cooler water... not warm... complete the process with your cream/ moisterizer or toner of your choice... repeat untill satisfactory....How do i get rid of blackheads and whiteheads?
Get a towel, and dip it in hot water. Then leave the towel on the affected areas for 10-15 minutes. Do this 3-4 times a week. It really helped me! Also, Aveeno has some great products for blackhead treatment that clears up blackheads and white heads in a few days.
Proactive. White heads otherwise known as pimples can't be treated by neutrogena... Proactive works wonders
Use Neutrogena blackhead scrub. It got rid of mine in no time.
neutrogena wave or skin i.d.
  • sunscreen
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