they never seem to go away no matter what i do, there tiny little bumplike whitehead things, sort of like rashes. what can i do to get rid of them.I Have Tiny Little Bumps/Whiteheads On My Forehead?
I noticed that some hair products make your forehead breakout because of whats in it.Try taking a warm towel and holding it on your forhead till it gets cooled off and do that 2 time before you go to bed.MY friend always does that when she gets bumps on her forehead.Hope i helped:)I Have Tiny Little Bumps/Whiteheads On My Forehead?
it has been clinically proven that you cannot drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, that it could lead to water on the brain, and you will die (that is, of course, if you are not sweating it out by doing lots of physical activity). so do not listen to the first answerer. i do believe, however, that drinking a maximum of FIVE glasses of water (or any other beverage since the majority are water based) will help with your skin. your skin sounds as though it is dry, so you should try moisturizing before you put on your make up, and after removign your make up before bed. Or perhaps you have exima, in which case see your doctor who perscribe a steroid cream called hydrocortizone which works wonders.
hope i helped:)
They could be Milia, tiny little white bumps that are caused by dead skin and oil going into a pore.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, do not pop them with your fingers, it just makes them worse. But if you do need to get rid of them, get a damp hot towel, and a sterilized sharp object, and prick it, then squeeze.
I have them and had a facial and she said that they are like pimples that the skin grows over like a mini-scar. She called them something I can't remember, but she said to do a gentle ex foliation about once a week. Hope this helps.
Drink a lot of water, maybe it could be from your shampoo making your hair oily? wash your face; but not too much, and if it doesn't go away use Benzaclin(my doctor recommended it to me and it works wonders)
Perhaps your hair tends to be oily? Need to wash it more often? Proactiv can do wonders for any kind of breakout and really creates an awesome clean look.
DRINK SO MUCH WATER! more than 3 liters a day
or drink: buttermilk!
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