Friday, August 20, 2010

Red bumps on face that aren't whiteheads?

Sometimes I get red bumps on my face, mostly in the outer cheek area..What are they? They're pretty big red bumps and they're ugllyyy lolRed bumps on face that aren't whiteheads?
You could have rosacea. If your face reddens or you have ';deep'; acne that doesn't form whiteheads or blackheads, you may be suffering from this condition.

The solution isn't fun....avoid all caffeine, do not drink milk, and take an antibiotic regimen for 1-2 weeks which will reduce inflammation for about 3-6 months at a time.

Red bumps on face that aren't whiteheads?
This could be a few different things. They are not whiteheads (milia), but can you descrbie them any better than just ';red bumps'; on your face? I am a cosmetology student and just finished up my skin care module last week; I might be able to figure out what MIGHT be going on, though if the condition continues, I'd suggest seeing a dermatologist.

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