Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hw do i get rid of a couple whiteheads under my eye?

i mean i think they are whiteheads at least...

they are very small, cream colored soft bumps.....''what are they and how do i get rid of them????

\they just came all of a sudden...there is like 3 of them..Hw do i get rid of a couple whiteheads under my eye?
No worries, it's just a breakout, it'll go away soon. There's plenty of over the counter stuff that you can use, but I always find a lot of that stuff to be too harsh for just the occasional breakout. I think the best thing to use if the breakout is not severe is tea tree oil. Just dab a little on and it will dry them up in no time. The only downfall is that I don't like the smell and it is pretty strong, but some people don't mind it and others actually like it (Although I don't understand it! LOL). Good luck to you! :)Hw do i get rid of a couple whiteheads under my eye?
Don't squeeze them - whatever you do.

Basically, the skin around your eye is some of the most sensitive and easily damaged on your body. I'd recommend, if you are sure they are blemishes, to go out and get a soap that is a pore cleanser (St. Ives makes a great one - it's green), and use that as the first line of defense.

Then, use a blemish cream with either benzoperoxide (my choice), or salicylic acid and take extra time to rub it into the area.

They should clear up soon, but I wouldn't mess with them. The other drawback to having a pimple there that you mess with is that if you drive it deeper into the skin, you're going to have it with you for a while.

Good luck!
Typically you don't get whit heads in the vicinity of the eye. Its very shallow tissue with few pores. Its probably an allergic reactivation possibly to a product you are using. If they are in fact white heads, remove them the way any white head is removed. Peirce the head with a sterilized needle, and push the infection out of the skin with your fingers wrapped in toilet paper. Imminently after sterilize the pore with benzoyl peroxide or a small am mount of rubbing alcohol.

~Charlie Murder
they may not be white heads. My friend had a few and she had to go see a dermatoligist. The dermatoligist tied a string around them and they popped.

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