Saturday, July 24, 2010

How to control blackheads and whiteheads?

what are blackheads and whiteheads really are? why they keep coming back even after facial treatment? how to avoid them from coming back?How to control blackheads and whiteheads?
Blackheads are a form of acne mainly due to the accumulation of sebum and keratin, which darkens as it oxidizes.

Whiteheads (bright white under a thin layer of skin) are collections of sebum (skin oil) and possibly bacteria and white blood cells from an infection. They begin when dead skin cells block a pore.

Pimples are accumulations of sebum and possibly the results of infection due to changes in the hair follicles and/or their associated sebum glands.

To minimize the occurrence of blackheads, scrub your face with a soapy washcloth once a day and stop using makeup for a while, if you do use it. If you want to clean your face at other times, gentler treatment is fine. The idea is to open up the pores and let things perspire out naturally.

To minimize the occurrence of whiteheads, although you might not be able to eliminate them this way, try gentle scrubbing with soapy washcloths now and then, and maybe use an exfoliant every once in a while.

To minimize the occurrence of pimples, keep your skin free of oil and dirt, and just pray for time to go by quickly. No, sex really isn't going to help you. There are many effective products on the market.How to control blackheads and whiteheads?
Best advice and explanation possible:
Clearisil, I use it whenever I brake out, or have black heads, and it works great!!!
you can easily spot them on your face. blackheads appear black and whiteheads appear white but both are due to the oil secreted by the sebum glands. if you don't clean your face well, chances are you'll be more prone to these problems. you should have a facial wash, a toner, and a moisturizer as part of your daily skin care regimen.

avoid touching your face with dirty hands also, that's the most important thing. and when using make up, make sure they're the ones that don't clog your pores and don't forget to remove them before you go to sleep
The blackheads are a common problem that affects all skin types, especially those with oily skin. The blackheads and whiteheads usually occur around the nose, cheeks, chin and forehead.

The blackheads are caused by hardened masses of sebum, formed in the ducts or the sebaceous glands. They are direct result of skin pores becoming clogged with sebum and dead skin cells.

The whiteheads are tiny, pearly, white raised spots. They are caused due to excessive secretion of sebum oil. The whiteheads usually show up as tiny white spots around the eyes. The same lotions, creams and masks are recommended for whiteheads too.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to reduce the pore size, but you can minimize the amount of gunk that is clogged in them.

In order to prevent the appearance of blackheads you should follow a strict skin care regime. Daily skin cleansing is essential. Wash your face at least twice a day using oil and alcohol-free formulas.
Blackheads are hardened sebum which blacken with exposure to the air and are embedded deep into the pores. Check out for more useful tips to control blackheads.

Check out for more useful info.
after you get a facial treatment wash your hands before touching your face the reason why the facial treatment is not working is maybe because it doesn't work or you may have had an allergic reaction to something or that you skin has gotten to clean that the dirt in the air has clog your pores
  • skin care
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