I have lots of tiny whiteheads on my nose...they are soooo disgusting! The little whiteheads are very deep under the skin on my nose, you can't actually feel the little bumps but you can see the tiny white dots showing through the skin...it's hidious...the only way i get get rid of them is by breaking the skin with a fine needle and squeezing them out. But that's very painful and leaves a red mark. The worse of all is that after I have squeezed one out, another one comes back! Does anyone have the same problem as me? How are you getting rid of them and controlling them?Whiteheads!! How can I get rid of them?
The products you are using, are they Salsylic Acid or Benzoyl peroxide? BP can be VERY drying. I personally like SA better. Salsylic acid it really good. It is in almost all acne washes. Benzoyl Peroxide is too drying for me! Try finding a face lotion with SA in it. Clean and Clear has a good moisturizer with SA and it helps keep pimples at bay. It is only about $5 a bottle and lasts about 2 months and you can get it at your local store. I have used this in the past and it works well. Personally, I use Biore products (which you get over the counter. Their products range from $5-$10). They are harsh on pimples, but not on your face.
Personally, Proactive didn't work for me. I have been using Biore products for over a year and I hardly ever break out! Occasionally I will get one or two, but nothing bad. I use Biore Ice Cleanser for acne and Biore warming facial scrub every morning for blackheads (This stuff works. I notcied a DRASTIC difference in my blackheads being GONE within 2 weeks) . And then 3-4 day s a week I use Biore purging pore cream scrub. For body acne I use Neutrogena acne body wash I never break out on my body. It gets 110 in summer so sweat in inevitably, yet I never break out. Give it a try. All of it is cheap too. About $5-10 depending on what you buy! I think you will just need to experiment with products until you find what works for you. Remember, it can take 1 month for products to fully begin working! Good Luck!Whiteheads!! How can I get rid of them?
yea i have the same problem as you! abd sometime you cant even see the white head, but you know they are there under the skin... right now im ussing proactiv, but you can use those pore cleansers the one you put on your nose. you could find them at walmart in the face wash section =]
I use a mud mask:
Whatever you do, don't keep picking them/popping them out with a needle. The reason it turns red after you do it because its irritating the skin, causing the whiteheads to spread. I use these white strips that you put on your nose and they help open up the pores and pull the white heads and black heads out of your skin. You can get them at Wal*mart. they work really well for me, hopefully they will for you too. best of luck!
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