i have a cousin which is around my age and he isnt circumsize and the other day he asked me about these white bumps around his head like under the flap of the head is it like that because he isnt circumsize........and no he dont have herpes nor any stds cause we checked on that we just would like to knwWhat does it mean to have whiteheads around the penis?
do a web search for pearly penile papules or fordyce spots, both are common and are not a problem, not infectious etcWhat does it mean to have whiteheads around the penis?
see a doc
my boyfriend had this same thing
it will start to get worse and hurt really bad if you dont get it taken care of..
its nothing but an infection
go to the doctor and they will give you some medication
they may test you for std's just because thats what it looks like
they tested my bf-- but it was only an infection
its easier to get an infection on your penis if you are not circumsized.. just have him tell his parents thats whats wrong and that he needs to go to the doctor asap
they will understand
and tell him to make sure when he showers he washes good down there from now on
If you can't see a Dr. triple antibiotic cream will help get rid of it... first you need to clean it everyday, thoroughly, and keep it clean, that's all that's wrong with it... just make sure you use very little cream as that's all that 's needed... and watch for any sensitivity, redness, or irritation, if any of these appear see your Dr. right away, it's usually just a build up of dead sperm cells and fermented urine trapped under the foreskin. After it's cleared up, get a lotion with no sugar (glycol) or low alcohol content... and use it after showering, or you can use a body powder with cornstarch in it
Has he got a lot? I have one on the same area. I noticed it when I was about 12 and it's been many years. It's kinda small like a grain of sand. It hasn't changed and it doesn't bother me. It's not whiteheads. If he has seen a doctor to checked to stds, there would have been comments about that
It means that your cousin needs to use much better hygiene and wash under the foreskin twice a day. An uncircumcised penis develops deposits called ';smegma';. It needs to be removed everyday, at least once- and trust me- before sex. Smegma has an unpleasant odor and consistency, but if there is a buildup it can lead to an infection. It can lead to phimosis which is a narrowing of the foreskin, making it hard to retract the foreskin back- which can become very painful when you get an erection. If bad enough, phimosis leads a mature man to a circumcision. And that's pretty painful for a guy.
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